September through May we have 1 in-person worship opportunity on Sundays in the sanctuary at 9am. We also offer Online Worship of our in-person worship services. These can be viewed on our You Tube Channel or via our church website. We know that being able to worship at home or wherever you may be has been a gift brought on by the pandemic and will be the way some may choose to continue to worship with us in the future. Knowing and understanding this, we are committed to being a “hybrid” church.
If you are coming to the sanctuary for worship, please familiarize yourself with the procedures and guidelines to keep each other safe.
Nursery Care is available at our worship services.
Children’s Church is offered for children in preschool through 2nd grade during our morning worship service during the school year. Children’s Church is not offered the first Sunday of the month so families can worship and participate in the sacrament of communion together if they chose to.
For more information about how we are keeping our children safe, please head over to the Children and Family Ministries page of our website.
Just a reminder that SPUMC has a “hearing loop” in the sanctuary. If you have hearing aids, please check with your audiologist to see if you have telecoils that are activated. If you do, you need to turn the telecoils to “on” when you are in the sanctuary. If you do not have telecoils, you can still use a headset. Pick up your headset from an usher and return it after worship.
Procedures and Guidelines for In Person Worship
Please do not come to church if you are not feeling well or have tested positive for Covid.
Please use hand sanitizer stations and sanitize your hands before going into the sanctuary.
Facemasks are available, but not required.
An order of worship will be passed out or it may be accessed online through our church website on the worship together page. Everything you need for following worship will also be available on the screens.
We thank you for your generous stewardship. You may give your offering online, mail your offering to the church or drop it in the offering plates at the door as you leave worship. There is a card with a QR code in the pew pockets that will take you directly to our online giving page of the church website.
We want to know that you are worshipping with us. You will receive an attendance card when you come to worship. You may fill in your attendance and drop the card in the offering plates as you leave worship.