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Safe Sanctuaries

Safe Sanctuaries

Some people brought their children to Jesus, so that he could place his hands on them and pray for them. His disciples told the people to stop bothering him. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom. Matthew 19:13-14

Jesus placed value on children and the example of faith they provide for the rest of us. As followers of Jesus, we understand that children/youth are inherently valuable members of Christ’s community.

Our individual vulnerability can place us closer to God but it can also put us at risk. Jesus taught that within the community of believers, there must be protection for each of us in our dependence upon God and each other. As followers of Christ, we resolve to protect all individuals in their vulnerability and also learn from each other as we grow in faith.

Our Duty to Protect and Guard Children

Our culture appears to be experiencing an increase in abuse and neglect. As much as we do not like to think of this happening in the church, it is clear that our duty AS the church is to protect and guard children and other vulnerable individuals. Tragically, churches have not always been safe places for children. Sexual abuse and exploitation occurs in churches, large and small, urban and rural. The problem cuts across all economic, cultural and racial lines. It is a very real problem. Virtually every congregation has among its members adult survivors of early sexual trauma. Any incident of this type is devastating and tragic.

God calls us to make our churches SAFE places, offering protection to children and vulnerable individuals. God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong. Because this is our goal as a church, SPUMC has developed and implemented a SAFE SANCTUARIES program.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to join together as a family of Christians at SPUMC for the purpose of providing a nurturing environment that promotes safety and the emotional and spiritual well-being of all of God’s children.

Volunteer Guidelines

SPUMC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. SPUMC is committed to preserving our church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others.

  • No adult who has been convicted of child abuse (either sexual abuse and neglect, physical abuse or mental abuse) will be placed as a volunteer to work with children or youth in any church sponsored activity.
  • All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age with the exception of the 2nd volunteer who must be at least 14 or 3 years older than the individuals they are working with.
  • Anyone who has not been involved with the congregation for at least 6 months will not work alone with any children or youth. They may be utilized as assistants.
  • Each volunteer working in a contained environment must have completed and signed a Volunteer Application Form and a completed Background Check at least every THREE years.
  • All volunteers will be required to attend Safe Sanctuaries Training and sign a form stating they have done so every THREE years.

Note: Your identity is protected and secured. The background checks are all done online, so no one at SPUMC has access to your personal and private information and nothing is stored. 

If you have questions, please visit with any member of the Safe Sanctuaries Committee:

  • Dee Heller, Committee Member
  • Claire Douglass, Pastor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
  • Jodi Hauge, Nursery Coordinator
  • Beth Smeaton, Director of Vacation Bible School
  • Christy Tubbs, Director of Children’s Ministry
  • Deb Mulhern, Director of Connecting Ministries
  • Amanda Hinthorn, Director of Technology and Online Communications
  • Jenny Arneson, Lead Pastor

Training for Volunteers and Staff

Image Usage Statement for Sun Prairie United Methodist Church and Opt Out Form

Sun Prairie United Methodist Church uses video and images gathered in worship and all other ministry settings both online and in other publications. If you would prefer that your image or the image of your child/youth not be used in any of these locations, it’s your responsibility to communicate that with church staff. Staff will document and track these requests. 

Our website is undergoing some “growing pains”. Things may look different if you have visited with us before. We are aware of this and are working to get things corrected as quickly as we can. Thanks for your understanding as we undergo some transitions. If you have specific questions about the website please reach out to Director of Technology and Online Communications Amanda Hinthorn at