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Accountable Leadership Board

Accountable Leadership Board

In 2016, SPUMC moved to the Accountable Leadership Board model, in which the former Church Council became the Leadership Board of approximately 12 persons.  This is a streamlined model of ministry that allows the Leadership Board, along with the pastor and program staff to give oversight, direction and purpose to the programs and ministries of the church.


The Leadership Board coordinates the functions of several of our committees with the intention of reducing the number of meetings needed to conduct the administrative business of the church. The hands-on ministry is done by “teams” whose responsibilities will be to do ministry, such as the Staff Parish Relations Team, Stewardship Team, Outreach Team, Trustees Team, Children’s Ministry Team, Reconciling Team, Safe Sanctuaries Team, and Scholarship Team. This leadership model holds the mission of the church as primary and puts larger numbers of people in ministry.


Members of the Leadership Board are to be intentionally growing in faith, as well as setting an example for the congregation. There is time allotted at each Leadership Board meeting for spiritual formation before getting into the business of the Board.

In addition to all our faithful volunteers serving in ministry at SPUMC, the members of the Leadership Board include:

            Chair:  Jack Malone

            Secretary:  Cheri Hiller

            Lay Members to Annual Conference:  Connie Meyer, Jack Malone, Marcia Flaherty

            Finance/Stewardship:  Sarah Bolen

            Trustees  Co-Chairs: Mike Bandli, Janine Punzel

            SPRC:  Pat Flaherty

            Outreach:  Patricia Harrington

            Scholarship:  Terry Twedell

At Large Members

            Cheri Hiller, Christie Tubbs, Dee Heller, Frank Flynn, Marcia Flaherty


            Lead Pastor:  Jenny Arneson

            Director of Caring Ministries:  Brad Mather

            Director of Connecting Ministries:  Deb Mulhern

            Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries:  Claire Douglass

             Director of Technology and Online Communications: Amanda Hinthorn

            Administrative Assistant:  Chris Hale

            Financial Secretary: Sarah Bolen

            Treasurer:  Lisa Wink

Meeting Minutes

Annual Church Conference – November 2024

Our website is undergoing some “growing pains”. Things may look different if you have visited with us before. We are aware of this and are working to get things corrected as quickly as we can. Thanks for your understanding as we undergo some transitions. If you have specific questions about the website please reach out to Director of Technology and Online Communications Amanda Hinthorn at