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Confirmation is a time for young people to confirm the vows of baptism – those taken on their behalf if they were baptized as an infant.

The SPUMC tradition is for 9th graders to take the confirmation class together. This weekly class runs from September through April and will cover the basics of Christian theology and United Methodist beliefs, history and structure. Every student will have a mentor, an adult to help guide them through the year and to be there for them in the future.

If you have a child who will be in 9th or 10th grade in the fall of 2025 and would like to be in our confirmation program, please call the church office. 

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Confirmation "What You Do Matters"

Confirmation 2023-2024

Affirmation of Faith Written by the 2023/2024 Confirmation Class

We believe in a loving God, who is in relationship with us and is always looking over us. God is the Creator of all living things and has a plan for our lives and can help us through anything. God listens through prayer, giving our lives meaning and showing us that everyone is significant.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was sent to show the way of God and who told stories that guide the way we live and the choices we make. Jesus
teaches us to use compassion and love, especially toward those who society has forgotten.

We believe in the Holy Spirit as a subtle breeze or glimpse of light that shows us peace and hope. We believe the Holy Spirit is complex. She is mysterious, miraculous and full of emotions. The Holy Spirit is a presence of tranquility that gives us peace of mind. The Holy Spirit is our connection to God and the peace, love and
possibility that God brings to the world.

We believe the Bible gives us a better understanding of God, Jesus, the Holy
Spirit and life and is a message of God’s love and forgiveness. The Bible helps us connect to other people’s stories and helps us implement Jesus’ teachings into our own lives so we can treat others as Jesus did.
We will show our beliefs through our actions and we will strive to be a blessing
to others. In Gratitude, we say thanks be to God.

Our website is undergoing some “growing pains”. Things may look different if you have visited with us before. We are aware of this and are working to get things corrected as quickly as we can. Thanks for your understanding as we undergo some transitions. If you have specific questions about the website please reach out to Director of Technology and Online Communications Amanda Hinthorn at