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Stewardship and Capital Campaign

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 

Matthew 6:21

Dear SPUMC Members & Friends:

We have been Measuring What Matters at the Sun Prairie United Methodist Church since 1845 when 11 people formed a ‘Methodist Class,’ which formed the church.  At the heart of who we are as a faith community is Measuring What Matters by our ministries of outreach, hospitality, relationships, worship and prayer; as well as our reconciling, connectional and staff ministries.

During the month of October in worship and through other communications, our stewardship theme will be Measuring What Matters.  We will reflect on the profound spiritual teachings of Jesus as found in the Gospel of Matthew, known as the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7).  This remarkable sermon, delivered by Jesus on a mountainside, provides us with a powerful lens through which to measure what truly matters in our lives and in our faith community.  Jesus tells us that we are the salt of the earth and light of the world.  This imagery challenges us to measure the impact our time, talents and treasure contributes to making a meaningful difference in our church, our community and our world.

In an effort to be good stewards of our resources, this year we are sending you our 2025 narrative budget and commitment pledge card electronically.  You may also find these resources below.  However, if you would like a printed copy of either the brochure or pledge card, please reach out to the church office or pick them up at church. 

Please take time to read our narrative budget brochure that gives you a look into what matters in the ministry we share together and the stewardship support needed for 2025.  A giving document is also included to guide you as you prayerfully make your giving commitment for 2025.  You may fill out and send or return your pledge card at any time in October.

Thank you for your continued commitment and generosity.  May we be challenged and inspired to measure what matters in our ministry together at SPUMC.


With Gratitude & Hope,

Rev. Jenny Arneson

Lead Pastor

2023 Capital Campaign Information

The Sun Prairie United Methodist Church has been a presence of God’s love and hope since 1845. In that year, 11 members formed a ‘Methodist Class,’ which formed the church. In 2020, we will celebrate our 175th year of being a faith community in Sun Prairie! It is amazing to think about all the lives touched by our ministry in those now 177 years.

The current church building was built on its present location in 1962 and celebrates having nearly 900 members and friends. Many changes and additions have taken place to the church building since 1962, with the most recent changes be completed in 2013.

Our church building has allowed our faith community to continue to be a strong outpost of hope in God’s kingdom. The church building is literally used seven days a week for our worship, Christian education, caring ministries, children and youth ministries, small group ministries, and music ministries. We also offer our church building as community space for the Sun Prairie Nursery School, 4-year-old kindergarten classes, WORC (a work opportunity agency), theatre groups, scout troops, choirs, blood drives, gatherings for our United Methodist Conference Center and other community gatherings.

This next 3-year capital campaign, which will offer pledges for 2023-2026, will use the skills and talents of staff and others within our church community to help make the campaign successful instead of using an outside company to assist us. The theme of our campaign is Keep Our Story Growing.

This Keep Our Story Growing Capital Campaign will focus on:
•Sharing our faith stories and keeping our story of faith growing as we share gratitude for the ministry our church building allows us to do and how our building blesses those who use and depend upon our facility. In this 3-year campaign, we are looking to eliminate our remaining loan balance of approximately $793,480 (with interest).
•Including our 2023 annual stewardship campaign to support the annual church budget of approximately $700,000.

Please take time to prayerfully and gratefully think about how our wonderful building allows our ministries to continue and how we use our building to extend the hospitality of God’s love to our community neighbors. Thank you for considering your part in this campaign effort.

Memorial Gifts

Received May, 2023 through May, 2024

We dedicate gifts that have been given in memory of loved ones and give thanks to God for these treasured people in our lives.  

Gifts Received Since May, 2023 in Memory of:

Karen Andrusco

Ali Armstrong

Bruce Babcock

Penny DeMott

Sue Ellen Lamb

Chuck Otto

Jerry Schenck

Pete Twedell

Items Purchased or Funded with Memorial Gifts this Past Year:

Clavinova Keyboard & Cart

Canopy Tents for Outdoor Worship

Planters and Flowers for Outdoors

Six & Eight-Foot Tables

Furniture for Church Library

Altar Paraments

Chancel Choir Music

Camp Scholarships

Greenspace Project Outdoors

Building Fund

Sun Prairie Nursery School

Through tangible gifts, we honor people who have encouraged us, loved us, guided us, journeyed with us and brought us joy.  In our remembering, we claim again the love and joy we have known through these persons.

Our church office will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to extreme cold. Staff will be checking emails and messages throughout the day.