
fun at KidsJAm

where KIDS can receive GOD’S LOVE

At Kids Jam (Jesus & Me), your child(ren) will find numerous activities to learn, grow, and thrive within our faith community. From igniting creativity to contributing to the community, there is something for everyone.

Sign Up for Church Camp this Summer

Did you know that the United Methodist Church owns two amazing camp and retreat centers? Pine Lake Camp and Lake Lucerne Camp have fun programs for all ages from infants to grandparents. Check out to learn more.

Sunday School

Sunday School is available Sunday mornings from 10:15-11 am. Young people of all ages will learn lessons that coordinate with the passages found in worship. Pre-registration is not needed, but the family information form helps us communicate with you and plan. 

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is held on Sunday mornings during our worship services September through May. In Children’s Church, kids aged 3 years to 2nd grade meet in our nursery following the children’s sermon. We read a story, do a craft, play games and learn about God’s love.

Vacation Bible School

Compassion Camp 2024 is in the books. Thanks for a great year!

Please watch for more information in the spring about VBS 2025.

Summer Children’s Church

Summer Children’s Church is offered during summer weekend worship services for children age 3 to 2nd grade. 

Children’s Christmas Program

Each year the children of our church family share a Christmas story in a fun memorable way. Please watch for more information in later fall about ways children can participate in this opportunity. 

Club 3,4,5

Club 3,4,5 is a special program designed for our 3rd,4th and 5th grade friends to begin to experience a little bit of what youth group is like. 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will play games, try activities and eat snack as we explore the church and our faith in a new way. Pre-registration is not needed, but the family information form helps us communicate with you and plan.


Ages: Kindergarten-5th Grade


Wednesday’s in sessions 5:00-7:30 pm


Get plugged into your connection with each other and God with Circuit! (Formerly LOGOS). Circuit is a Methodist word describing a connection of churches. Early Methodist Preachers were circuit riders. Now we get to learn how to be circuit kids! Join us on Wednesday night to play games, make crafts, eat dinner, learn about God and become electrified by our faith. It’s sure to be a fun ride! Circuit requires pre-registration for each session.


Our nursery is open 10 minutes before each of our worship services, with care offered for children from birth to 2nd grade. Families sign children in and leave their cell phone number (we contact parents and family members if we need them to return). Our nursery staff is CPR, First Aid and Safe Sanctuaries trained. 

Family Ministry

Family Ministries work throughout the year to provide meaningful times for fellowship and faith for families of all ages. Most of our ministry events can be found on the events page.

Family Ministries has and does include the following:

  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • New Baby Welcoming
  • Baptism
  • Parenting Support and Resources at Different Stages
  • Purposeful Family Centered Fellowship Times
  • Family Mission Experiences
  • Milestone Educational Experiences
  • Liturgical Based Experiences and Resources for Families
  • Summer Camp Connections and Resources
  • End of Life Planning and Support

Safe Sanctuaries

Safe Sanctuaries is our guideline to keep all vulnerable people safe. Head to our Safe Sanctuaries Page to learn more.

Meet Our Team

Christy Tubbs, Director of Children's Ministries

Beth Smeaton, Director of Vacation Bible School

Jodi Hauge, Nursery Coordinator

Denise Woods, Nursery Staff

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